Saturday 22 October 2011

A owl for my friend

we maked an owl for my friend Ellen with paint and it has got brown and white and yellow just like you wanted and pink as well because little c likes pink too much but its ok. I hope you like pink too ellen and you are happy now and not lonely. i want to be friends. Today i am sad because my friend shouted at me but he said only joking but too late cos little c already cried. [Candycan] helped us do the picture and she helping writing too cos i keep pressing the wrong buttons and she knows how to spell better but i dont care. but she says i have to tell you we copied the picture from a fing on the computer cos thats cheating a bit but i hope you like it anyway ellen and you are smiling.
i go now and see a baby
from Pan

To Ellen, I help too make the owl and all the colours you like and pink too.
from Little C

Hi Ellen, I hope you like this. It was a joint effort between the three of us really. I took the idea (because I have no imagination!) from (thought we better put that in). I hope your little part likes it and you do as well.


ellen said...

Hi Pan,
That is such a beautiful owl and it is for me because I am really real. I love pink also and you are such a good artist that is a painter and I love my picture. Thank you Pan. I like happy owls.

I can't spell at all so my mom writes everything but I tell her what to say I guess.

I am sorry about the yelling. I used to get yelled at a lot I didn't like that. The friend shouldn't yell at you because you are nice.

I am sad today but for different things and I got your owl and I cried but I was happy.
I like babies too. Your friend Ellen PS can I put the picture on my mom's blog? xoxo

Hi Little C,
I'm so happy you added pink because I like pink more than my mom does because pink is for girls and I am a girl. thank you for painting me an owl. your friend, Ellen

Hi Candy,
I love my owl. You are very talented and sweet to paint me a picture. Can I post it on my blog and link over to you? Or I could just link over. Thank you, you did cheer me up a lot!

Candycan said...

Of course you can post it on your blog, it's yours to do with what you like! :D I would have done that myself but I'm not sure how. I tried to link it to your blog but it doesn't seem to have done much. Glad you all like it :)