Googly Globe
This is a blog dedicated to the superficial fun of sticking googly eyes on otherwise dreary public inanimate objects.
Funny cats
Just to let you know, I spent about three hours looking at this page and laughing my head off before I realised it just continues to load more pictures and videos at the bottom. Part of me was intrigued to keep looking... surely there can't be infinity number of cat videos?
Cat Vs Printer
A you tube clip to send you into hysterics
Happy cheery feel good song and video with cute animals
This video always helps when my little ones are feeling freaked out. This video is the antidote to triggers.
Sleepy Lagoon
Peaceful and calming song
A few of our favourite things
Pictures of things the little ones found around our house
Pictures of life
Winnie the Pooh goes on an adventure
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
My Milk Toof: the adventures of ickle and lardie
This is a great blog about two cute, mischevious little teeth: Ickle and Lardee. Follow them on their adventures and mishaps. For the child in you!
Funny Signs
If some of these don't make you laugh, nothing will!