Saturday, 3 December 2011

don't hate me

im just feeling a bit...
and I have really no idea why this has started. Hopefully I will get over it soon. Hopefully I'm not all of these things.


Rosieforchange said...

Hi Candycan,

I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Please know that you are in my thoughts. I can't imagine what your going through. I don't think you are any of the things you have listed. I hope you feel better soon. rosie

Ruth said...

That feeling sucks. I have joked that I functioned as a committee that hated each other. Now, I chalk it up to the holidays and treat myself with lots of extra patience and kindness. You are an amazing person and this feeling will pass.

JustEliza said...

Do you want to chat? I think that we can chat on gmail. hellojusteliza at

ellen said...

Here listening CC...

Anonymous said...

You are not any of those things (except sensitive possibly?, but that's a good thing cos it shows you care!!!)

Still here, still reading and still totally behind you.

Take care

Erica x

Candycan said...

Thank you to each of you who commented here in support. It really helps to know people care enough to say something.